Granted that newly minted Republican candidate for one of Delaware’s U.S. Senate seats, Christine O’Donnell, dwells at the intersection of crazy and stupid, but you have to wonder whether it was such a good tactic for GOP hierarchy to essentially forbid voters to support her in a decade in which they’ve pissed away their credibility, and whether it’s wise for her opponents to continue to emphasize her mortgage default and her creative accounting during an era when Americans have demonstrated themselves to possess the financial acumen of your average crack whore with a stolen credit card.
Crazy, stupid, financially irresponsible and despised by the establishment? Americans may decide to send somebody just like themselves to the Senate.
And no, I’m not suggesting that a smarmy control freak like Chris Coons is better. I’m just intrigued by how closely we’re approaching menckenesque perfection.
September 15, 2010 at 1:33 amCrazy, stupid, financially irresponsible and despised by the establishment? Americans may decide to send somebody just like themselves to the Senate.
And no, I’m not suggesting that a smarmy control freak like Chris Coons is better. I’m just intrigued by how closely we’re approaching menckenesque perfection.
J.D., we’ve been at a level of Menckenesque perfection for years, if not decades. While the fine detail of whether any particular officeholder resembles or represents its constituency’s hedonistic narcissism is a subject for sophomore-year debate, it is an indisputable fact that this country has purchased itself the “representative” government that it deserves.
“Do as I say, not as I do, and since I mouth your favorite platitudes and will continue to do so while in office, that’s not too much to ask in return for your vote.”
That sentiment has been the Amoricon public’s voting booth philosophy for most of this nation’s existence. For that reason alone, it doesn’t matter whether Ms. O’Donnell or Mr. Coons gets the vote. They’re two interchangeable sides of the same coin.
J.D. Tuccille
September 15, 2010 at 6:30 amliberranter,
I’m afraid you’re right. The only real difference is the brand they peddle.
September 15, 2010 at 4:40 pmNot related to the above, but if you haven’t seen it already, this may bring you a bit of cheer:
Like father like son. Keep up the good work.
J.D. Tuccille
September 16, 2010 at 6:59 amI’ll have to point my old man to that link — he’ll certainly get a kick out of it.
Thanks for the pointer!