The latest CNN poll is out, including a variety of hypothetical matchups between potential GOP nominees and the sitting president. The strongest contender is … Rep. Ron Paul!
That’s right, in a what-if race between Barack Obama and Ron Paul, polling 1,034 Americans, the results come in at 52% for Obama and 45% for Paul. The next strongest candidate is (gag) religio-fascist Mike Huckabee at 8 points behind the president. Supposed favorite Mitt Romney trails by 11 points.
It’s way early yet, so take this poll with a grain of salt — although it taps the leading advocate of libertarian ideas in the Republican party as a serious contender.
A serious contender with the general public, that is. Among Republicans, Paul comes in with 10% support as a potential nominee, behind Huckabee at 16%, Trump, Romney and Palin. That still puts him in play, of course — and let’s see if the numbers move after this poll and today’s debate.
May 5, 2011 at 3:36 pmthe results come in at 52% for Obama and 45% for Paul
And that tells everything we need to know about Amoricon votards. Even assuming the existence of an alternate universe in which no Establishment gatekeepers existed to ensure that the presidency was occupied at all times by one of their own, the Amoricon public would still reject Ron Paul in favor of some loathsome statist control freak. This seems to confirm the truth behind the statement (I can’t remember who made it) that “only Cubans and North Koreans love to be led more than Americans.”
Then again, those who really love and value liberty are those who don’t look favorably upon the practice of voting in the first place.
May 15, 2011 at 7:25 pmI just have to say… this is about the best quote I’ve seen in a really long time
“those who really love and value liberty are those who don’t look favorably upon the practice of voting in the first place.”