We Miss You, Max
- 10.24.16
- Aging, Connections
I miss my dog. He died almost a month ago, on Monday, September 26, 2016. Wendy found Max wandering in the desert by the side of Beaverhead Flat Road–a road perhaps even less traveled in 2002 than it is now. He came trotting up to her car when she pulled over for a look at […]
Who is that mysterious stranger?
- 10.14.10
- Connections, Safety
- No Comments
I’ve written before about the perils of “stranger danger,” but the fact is, for stay-at-home dads, often we seem to be the dangerous strangers. You notice it at the playground when you wander in with your kid. The moms simultaneously keep their distance and hover over their little darlings — not-entirely-compatible dual agendas necessitated, apparently, […]